Innovative Temporary & Permanent Solar Lighting Solutions

Here at Luma Bright, we specialise in the manufacturing and the supplying of off-grid lighting solutions. We supply a wide range of industries such as building sites to music festivals with our Temporary Solar Column. Our Permanent Solar Columns are great to use in new housing developments and car parks. Using these systems eliminates the need for laying expensive cables, they are free to run and have a wide range of functionality typically not found in normal mains powered light fittings.

An ever-increasingly popular option for providing site lighting is solar-powered lighting towers. With low carbon and zero emissions targets in place for construction sites across the UK, renewable solar power is a great choice for any site conscious about the power they use.

Grid power can sometimes be unattainable on remote sites, too. This makes alternatives such as battery and solar a logical choice when traditional fuel is not an option. Solar is also a cost-effective option; there are no ongoing expenses, and no need to rely on expensive power from the grid.

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